
Run PL/SQL in the background and display a progress bar

Running a long process from APEX application will force the browser to hang and the web server to send a timeout error. Here how you can run such a process. Run PL/SQL in the background and display a progress bar

APEX Websocket Notification

Notifying clients from backend servers in stateless environments like web applications with HTTP protocol is a challenge, here a great bundle where you can achieve this goal in APEX applications. APEX Websocket Notification Bundle

APEX with Reverse Proxies.

For production installation, you surely need to have a layer in front (Reverse Proxy) of your ORDS, here are samples of configuration for the most popular web servers 1. Apache      Reverse Proxy Configuration using Apache 2. NGINX     The Oracle APEX Reverse Proxy Guide using NGINX

Oracle Database & APEX development, advice and support

I found this resource as a great reference for Oracle development in general and APEX specifically. Oracle Database & APEX development, advice and support

Sizing Up Performance for APEX

Joel R. Kallman posted on 2014 about sizing for performance for APEX. Finally...the official sizing guide for Oracle Application Express , he also referenced another post for his manager Mike Hichwa  Sizing Up Performance .


Using APEX as a front end framework and communicate with the backend via RESTful services will be very useful when you have your backend setup and don't have a choice to use Oracle as database. The following post is a great help in doing so. ORACLE APEX with MySQL !